Leather bags have a certain style and elegance that no other type of bag can beat. Leather bags are perfect for ladies who want to look good both at work and free time. Leather bags stand out among other bags with quality, durability and service life. Leather bags are great for everyday use as they can overcome wear and tear, especially when carrying so many things at once in it. For business women who travel often, leather bags are the number one choice. Leather is famous in the fashion world and is considered one of the best materials for bags, thanks to its ultra-smooth texture and polished, expensive finish.
Leather bags from Italy
You must know that Italians are the best and most skilled when it comes to leather. There is no other country in the world that matches such a high quality, and this is largely due to highly skilled craftsmen. Leather bags from Italy are made by specially selected leather. The color process making dyes handed down from generation to generation are used to craft the most fantastic bags in the world. Would you also choose leather bags from Italy?
Choosing the most suitable leather bag
First and foremost, a leather bag is designed to offer its wearer convenient storage and carrying things taken with them while on the go. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the size of the bag, so that everything you want to take with you can be placed in it, and the leather bag is not overstuffed. Pay attention to the details, do you want a zipper, or is a magnetic button fastening more convenient for you, or leather bag with no fastening at all. Choose the color that will best fit into your wardrobe, and will be an accent and a complement to your style.
In order to choose your perfect leather bag easier and more convenient, we have created detailed filter where you can mark all the needs you are looking for in a bag. This will shorten both the search time and make the process of choosing the right leather bag more enjoyable.
Women's leather bag - a practical long-term investment
A women's leather bag is a valuable investment in any woman's wardrobe. A women's leather bag can last a lifetime, and the longer it is used, the better it looks. The initial cost seems higher than synthetic leathers, but the life of a leather bag is much longer. A women's leather bag, a leather wallet, belt or any other product is clearly the best choice.
There is certain criteria for women's bags. When choosing a leather bag, we recommend that you take several criteria into account.
- Weight is an important factor for your everyday comfort. If a womans leather bag is too heavy, then when you put things in it, it will be even heavier due to the weight of the leather bag.
- Size – choose a womans leather bag that meets your needs and is not too big, not too small.
- Compartments/pockets. Bigger or smaller compartments, pockets with or without zipper, this makes womans leather bag a lot more comfortable, you can organize the things you carry with you and find them quickly.
Smooth natural leather bags and suede bags
Which leather bag should you choose - smooth natural leather or suede? This is definitely a matter of taste, and there is no arguing about taste. We would say that a smooth genuine leather bag will be easier to maintain and it will keep the shape more than a suede bag, especially when we talk about dust, debris that easily sticks to the surface of the suede bag. The range of the cleaning products for suede bags much more are limited than the variety available for leather bags.
Frequently asked questions
What should you never do with a genuine leather bag?
1. Exceed the intended carrying weight of a genuine leather bag. Carrying heavier items can damage the shape and handles of a genuine leather bag.
2. Do not rub and scratch leather bag. The material of a genuine leather bag may be damaged.
3. Keep away your genuine leather bag from the contact with water. Leather is a natural material and can change its appearance in contact with water.
Why buy leather bags online?
One of the main reasons is the freedom of choice. Buying leather bags on the Internet is more economical in terms of time and also more exciting, because on the Internet you can look at all the offers without leaving your home and take as much time to explore as you need. The leather bag online store is always rich in leather bag models of various styles, colors and designs. This means that you can make a more detailed choice, where one model is available in several colors, not just one or two as it might be in the shops.
Should you choose a leather bag in Latvia or abroad?
Leather bags in Latvia are mostly imported from foreign countries, because the local market is relatively insufficient in terms of bag production and selection.
Are leather bags a weakness for women?
We could agree, because when you pick up a leather bag, all questions disappear. Leather bags are a timeless classic for women, and they don't go unnoticed. Due to the durability of the leather and the comfort it creates, the leather bag is a very popular choice among women of all ages.
Does the women's bag shopping platform sationibags.com deliver orders around Latvia?
The shopping platform sationibags.com offers delivery not only around Latvia, but also in the Baltics, using the most popular and reliable the delivery methods by the companies Omniva and DPD.
How long will it take me to receive an artificial leather bag ordered on the shopping platform sationibags.com?
Each item on the shopping platform sationibags.com is ordered directly from the manufacturer according to your individual order. From the delivery of all orders at the factory, which takes place every Thursday, you should expect 7-10 working days until the ordered artificial leather bag reaches your hands.